
wide eyed legless

Mermaids, Mermaids, Mermaids!

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So I’ve been going to and fro on the internet checking out as much mermaid peraphenila as I can. And lo and behold (can’t believe it took me so long to find it) I discovered the incredibly fantastic blog The Wide Eyed Legless. I still haven’t gone through all the amazing stuff on this site! It’s got, fashion, books, music. You name it about mermaids, it’s got it.

Oh and the awesome author of Wide Eyed Legless, Lawanica Weathers has an all encompassing list on her goodreads account of at least 90 different mermaid books for young adults. Kudos to her! That would have been a lot of work (I’m still hovering around 60 books or so I just don’t seem to have enough hours in the day.)
At one point on her blog she says that mermaids are coming into their own. They may or may not be the next ‘vampire’. I agree with her. Mermaids are swiftly rising to the limelight. She’s also writing a book about mermaids, which I think is awesome.
She has a lot of different blog posts that completely and totally give me my mermaid fix. So thank you!

On her blog I also found out there’s a mermaid confence! Mercon 2011 — How cool would that be to go? Wish I could. Check out the link here

Oh and just as an example? A year ago when I was online looking for mermaid stuff, very few sites popped up on google. Now mermaids are everywhere! 😀 Yay!

Fins anyone?